Mango is Moving!

As my business and community continues to expand here in Amsterdam, I can’t help but feel incredibly humble and grateful. If you told me a year ago (even a few weeks ago) that I would have my very own commercial space in Amsterdam I would have never believed it. Now, I am packing up my studio here in my little garden shed and getting ready for the big move across the city, into my very own studio space.

My garden shed studio, just as my magnolia tree released all her flowers this past spring.

What’s meant to be, is meant to be…

Amsterdam real estate is no joke, finding an apartment, let alone a commercial space is no small feat. If I’m completely honest, I wasn’t even looking. I was actually told by a friend of mine that another ceramic artist is leaving her studio and wanted someone to take it over. At first, I thought it would be nuts for me to take such a leap, but I reached out and set up a meeting anyway.

As soon as I stepped into the space I felt that the energy was right. It’s located just off of Amsterdam’s busy Kinkerstraat and has a big bright window facing a sweet, calm pocket of the city. The space itself is quite small, but it’s a perfect first step into the world of brick and mortar.

I ended up signing the contract on 11/11/22 at 11:11am, by chance. My mind was blown when I saw the time and then again when I saw the date. I guess what’s meant to be, is just simply meant to be.

My vision for the space

My sister Bridget and I have spent the past few weeks dreaming about the day we can start to decorate. Bridget is self-taught interior designer so I’m really lucky to have her helping me. Our goal is to create a serene, fresh space with room for workshops, my own production and a small shop.

I am adopting a few items from Emma, the sculptural artist who was in the space before me, including some of her beautiful work, incredible plants, and most importantly an amazingly large kiln! It’s been a blessing to have the opportunity to take over a space used by another ceramic artist, and I’m so grateful for how generous and lovely Emma is.

Overall, I want to preserve my brand’s energy of serenity, openness and closeness to nature. I will certainly miss my little garden shed studio, and the vines that flow overtop, but I know that this move is a step in the right direction. I’m so excited to see where this new space will be able to take my business and my art. We’re already dreaming up ideas of what to do with the soon-to-be empty garden shed, but maybe that’s material for a separate blog post ;)

The doors are nearly open

I cannot wait to be able to open my doors to all of you. The big move in will take place this weekend and next week, meaning the space will be (hopefully) ready to go by the start of December. If you’ve already signed up for a workshop in December, you will be some of the first to lay eyes on the new studio, how exciting!

Stay tuned for news of a grand opening (I love any excuse for a gathering), and feel free to pop on by anytime after the 1st of December to say Hi, or even to have a look.

You can find the new space at Magalhaensplein 13ahs, looking forward to seeing you there!


Mango in a Pot x Dutch Harvest


How becoming a full-time creative has transformed my wellbeing