Ceramics + The Practice of Non-Attachment

For anyone who’s dabbled in the art of ceramics, it quickly becomes quite clear how much can go wrong at any stage. The looming idea that your work of art can be ruined at any moment makes ceramics the perfect art form for those looking to practice non-attachment.

What is non-attachment?

The practice of non-attachment enables you to recognize that your worth and identity are not solely defined by your achievements or material possessions. Instead, you are in a continuous state of evolution and are intricately connected to the environment and people around you. By embracing non-attachment, you can become more resilient in the face of unforeseen circumstances, cultivate more meaningful connections with others, and develop a stronger sense of self-value.

In pottery terms, we can practice non-attachment to the physical outcome in oder to more fully enjoy the creation process. If you are constantly worried about the final product, you are not fully present, which can rob you of the joy of being creative in the first place.

Letting go to go deeper

I am no stranger to perfectionism, and our current social climate makes it quite difficult to avoid slipping into a pattern of material attachment. The final product is doubtlessly an important part of the creation process, but placing too much importance on it means that you’re not letting yourself tap into your deepest expression of creativity. One can fully feel the benefits of a creative practice when they allow themselves to be moved by every stage of the process.

After years of practicing non-attachment in my art, I have found it starts to seep into other areas of my life. Non-attachment is an important practice that can help us in many ways. One of the key benefits of non-attachment is that it allows us to cope better with change. Life is full of surprises, and unexpected changes can be difficult to deal with. However, by letting go of our attachments to things, people, and situations, we can learn to adapt more easily to new circumstances and move forward with greater ease.

Another important benefit of non-attachment is that it frees us from suffering. When we attach ourselves to something or someone, we create a situation where our happiness and well-being depend on their presence or success. This can lead to disappointment and frustration if things don't go as planned. Non-attachment, on the other hand, frees us from these dependencies and allows us to experience a deeper sense of peace and contentment.

Non-attachment can also help us to develop a greater sense of self-awareness. When we focus on the present moment and on our inner selves, rather than on external factors such as possessions or achievements, we can gain a deeper understanding of who we are and what we want in life.

Finally, non-attachment can improve our relationships with others. By letting go of expectations and attachments, we become more accepting of others as they are, and are able to appreciate them for who they truly are. This can lead to deeper, more meaningful connections with those around us.

Non-attachment + Law of Abundance

Overall, non-attachment is an important practice that can help us to live a more peaceful and fulfilling life, free from the constraints of attachment and expectation. The Law of Abundance is a principle that suggests that the universe is infinite in its supply and that we can manifest abundance in our lives through our thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Non-attachment is closely related to this principle because it involves letting go of limiting beliefs and fears that can block the flow of abundance in our lives.

When we practice non-attachment, we release our attachment to specific outcomes and instead focus on the present moment and the opportunities that are available to us. This allows us to be more open to new possibilities and to trust that the universe will provide what we need when we need it.

In this way, non-attachment can help us to align ourselves with the Law of Abundance and to manifest greater abundance in our lives. By letting go of our fears and limiting beliefs, we can create space for abundance to flow into our lives and to experience greater joy, happiness, and fulfillment.

It is important to note, however, that non-attachment does not mean that we should not set goals or work towards specific outcomes. Instead, it means that we should approach our goals with a sense of detachment and openness, trusting that the universe will provide for us in the way that is best for our highest good.

Finding joy in the present, regardless of circumstance

Whether we are talking about life or pottery, I think we can all loosen our grip on outcomes and expectations. Ceramics teaches us to find peace in the act of creating and not to place too much importance on the end result, which can be easily applied in other areas of our lives. Finding joy in the present, regardless of where we’ve been or where we’re going, is going to save us a lot of anxiety, stress and wasted energy, so why not give it a try :)


Be creative in the comfort of your space


Insights as an Entrepreneur, 4 months in