living with the moon cycles

This post is going to be geared a bit more towards my ladies out there, but ALL humans are more than welcome to read. Knowledge is power, remember that.

So you probably already knew that the moon controls the tide/waves of the ocean. Our bodies are made up of mostly water (you’ve heard that saying “we’re basically cucumbers with anxiety” right? Ok) so therefore, the moon controls our inner waves. Meaning, the phases of the moon directly affect our inner tide.

This is especially evident in women because our menstrual cycle is governed by the moon cycles. So we as women have a superpower that not many of us are aware of, we can feel the moon and her cycles so deeply. Before modern science, I mean waaay before any kind of male dominance/patriarchy took the world by storm, the original tellers of time were women.

Do you realise what POWER that is?

We have a built-in internal clock.

Anyway, that being said, its high time that we all start to recognise the beautiful blessing it is to live in harmony with the moon. It’s so eye opening when you start to tune into the energies of the different phases of the moon, for example the full moon starts to bring us all out of our shell and everyone is more social in that period, while the new moon is more of a time for internal reflection and planning.

It’s also true that our menstrual cycles are running in sync with the moon. For example, many women are ovulating during the full moon and bleeding around the new moon. I have evolved to the point (after years of formal cycle tracking) to recognise exactly which stage in my cycle I’m at based on what my body and the moon are telling me. This has not only allowed me to welcome more ease into my life, but it has also let me deepen my connection with our universe, what a glorious thing.

A great way to get started with understanding how the moon governs your life is to start using a moon planner. I am currently using this one. It has great journaling prompts for the full and new moons and it gives great little tips each week depending on planetary alignment.


How becoming a full-time creative has transformed my wellbeing


a lifestyle tip: try to have soil stuck under your nails at least once per week